Application Form Please leave this field empty. Main Grant Criteria – Applications for funding from the BECT should fit into one of the Fund’s key focus areas outlined in our Areas of Interest. – Proposals should be presented in a concise, narrative form, without extensive documentation; they should be clear and compelling, with the objective to create measurable and sustainable long-term results. – The organization must display strong and effective leadership. – Sustainability must be a key outcome of the project. – The project must demonstrate positive community or national impact. Applicant Details 1. SUMMARY* This section clearly and concisely summarizes the request. It should provide the reader with a framework that will help them visualize the project. 2. QUALIFICATIONS – ORGANIZATION* This section describes the applicant organization and its qualifications for funding, credibility and track record. It should demonstrate that it is the best organization to carry out the proposed project, with the means and the imagination to solve the particular problem or meet the need. 3. QUALIFICATIONS – INDIVIDUALS If the proposal includes paying experts to offer technical assistance, please include a short biography on the experts, including their professional qualifications. 4. ISSUE OF CONCERN* This section should address the specific problem area or need for which assistance is being sought. Information based on objective research should be provided to justify the need or problem. Issue of Concern* Please select one Marine ConservationBiodiversity and LandscapesLocal FoodWaste ManagementSustainabilityOther 5. OBJECTIVES, ACTION PLAN AND LIST OF SPECIFIC OUTCOMES EXPECTED* This section should detail the outcomes from the use of the grant in measurable terms. Provide a succinct description of what the organization hopes to accomplish. 6. METHODOLOGY* This section should describe the activities to be conducted to achieve the desired objectives including the rationale for choosing a particular approach. A chronological description of the operations of the proposed project would be adequate 7. LEAD CONTACT* The proposal must name the person who is the lead person in charge of the implementation of the project. Please include and email address and phone number. Email Address* Phone Number* 8. REPORTING* The project must specify proposed dates for submission of reports. The first report is usually submitted within one month of the start of the project; subsequent reports will depend on the scope of the project. 9. BUDGET* This section should detail the costs to be met by the funding source and where applicable, those to be provided for by other parties. Outline both administrative and program costs. Additional files (if required) Upload files here Drag & Drop Files Here or Browse Files * Required fields Apply